Implications of Neuroscience for Education

What Difference Does it Make? Implications of Neuroscience for Education May 2011 When I applied to the Educational Psychology graduate program last year, I explained that my academic interests were focused on the question, “Are educational practices consistent with cross-disciplinary knowledge?” As I progressed through the program curriculum, I narrowed the scope of my “cross-disciplinary” … Read more

C. Rose Brain Series #3: The Active Brain

The third of the Charlie Rose 12-part monthly series on the human brain aired December 22nd. An excerpt (16:48, including the opening introduction) is included below. His guests for the third show, “The Active Brain,” included: Eric Kandel — co-host of the series, 2000 Nobel Laureate (Physiology/Biology), professor, Columbia University Physiology & Cellular Biophysics Daniel … Read more