Tag: Tony Movshon

  • C. Rose Brain Series #11: The Deciding Brain

    The next-to-last of 12 episodes in this special brain series aired September 30, 2010, and concerned The Deciding Brain. Charlie and Eric Kandel welcomed: William Newsome studies decision-making on the cellular level by exploring the neural processes that mediate visual perception. He is a professor in the Department of Neurobiology at Stanford University and a…

  • C. Rose Brain Series #2: Visual Perception

    The second of the Charlie Rose 12-part monthly series on the human brain aired November 24th. His guests for the second show, “The Perceiving Brain – Sight and Visual Perception,” included: Eric Kandel — co-host of the series, 2000 Nobel Laureate (Physiology/Biology), professor, Columbia University Physiology & Cellular Biophysics Edward H. Adelson — John and…

  • C. Rose Brain Series #1: Great Mysteries of the Brain

    In late October (2009), Charlie Rose began a 12-part series on the human brain. The second episode is scheduled for airing on PBS stations the week of November 24. According to www.charlierose.com, the topic will be: “The Perceiving Brain – Sight and Visual Perception.” His guests for the first show included: Eric Kandel — co-host…